Love Research Papers

Three Amazing Ideas for Writing Love Research Papers

Love has invariably been the topic of debate for over centuries, perhaps from the birth of Adam and Eve. It has changed its shape and meaning with every passing year, therefore, the term can be subjected to be discussed from different perspectives in love research papers. No student would say no to love research papers because there is no one who can deny or hate the existence of love. However, there are some tips those should be focused while writing the research paper based on love in order to grab more attention of the reader.

Undoubtedly, this is a very common topic but if you will present it from unique perspective then surely you will be able to impress your teacher. If you are still stuck in developing ideas to write love research papers then you can consult the following suggested ideas that will help you generate a good piece of paper.

Love justifies the unjust:

There are two different perspectives that are illustrated in this title so that you discuss and understand the both sides of the argument. You can provide different claims along with the sources to identify what love really is for different peoples, compare all the statements, analyze them and finally provide your end results but make sure to support your outcome with sturdy evidences.

Love for convenience and love for marriage:

People have changed the meaning of love as per their own needs; therefore, you can find various type of love around being practiced especially by our youngsters. For example; there are two very debatable topics around that are the love for marriage and love for convenience. You can compare the both negative and positive aspects of them to decide which one is more plausible in thisresearch paper. You can:

  1. Point out the differences between them
  2. As mentioned earlier, jot down the pros and cons of them.
  3. Mention some convincing and powerful examples.
  4. Which type of love is more successful today?

Sternberg’s theory of love:

He is considered to be the philosopher of love. He wrote a book with the name of theory of love in which he discussed the phenomenon from three different perspectives that are intimacy, passion and commitment. You can separately discuss these two points in your research paper. Furthermore, you can also discuss the following issues in your research paper.

  1. First of all, tell the readers who was Robert Sternberg?
  2. What do you mean by triangular theory of love?
  3. Describe the three components of love?
  4. Elaborate the three ideas with reference to the context?