





Methodology Definition.

Research Methodology Definition and Its Important Components – Read All About It!

What is the effect of inflation on a developing country’s economy?
What are the factors that contribute to the increasing drop-out rates of high school students?

How does the attitude of a nurse contribute to the speed of recovery of a patient?

These are some questions that need research studies.

But before you start composing your dissertation or thesis; there are a few basic terms which you should be aware of. For example, you should know the definition of methodology in research for your dissertation.
But before that, let’s see what research is?

According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, it can be defined as

“a studious inquiry or examination; especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new and revised theories or laws.”

Now that you know what research is, you should also know that there are several components or chapters that make up a dissertation out of which the research methodology section is the most important.

How can you define research methodology?

It is a set of systems, methods, procedures or rules that is used to conduct a structured research process for a thesis or dissertation. The main purpose of the methodology is to be able to come up with an original and significant outcome that will contribute towards the field of your research.

In other words,is the science of dealing with principles of procedure in research and study.

To put the definition in simple words, it explains the exact activities and processes of your research is, through what methods you will be measuring the data and how will you be interpreting your outcomes.

When these factors are considered, it makes the methodology the most important part of your dissertation.

Now that you have good knowledge of methodology, let’s have a look at the cycle of research methodology:

Step 1. Defining the research problem
Step 2. Developing the hypothesis
Step 3. Selecting a research method
Step 4. Finalizing data gathering techniques
Step 5. Collecting the data
Step 6. Analyzing the data through a proper statistical tool
Step 7. Interpreting the data
Step 8. Giving the conclusion of the research (i.e. whether the hypothesis
was accepted or rejected?)
Another important aspect that should be decided upon before starting the investigative process is to determine the kind of research method that you would apply to your study process.
Two of the main kinds of research methodologies are as follows:

Basic Research:
This is also called theoretical research as it is more concerned with the enhancement of knowledge rather than the application of findings.
Applied Research:
It tries to show how the findings of the research will be applied practically.

So, before you go off to composing your dissertation, make sure that you are aware of the key terms of research and their important components.

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