7000 Word Dissertation Structure

Get Help for 7000 Word Dissertation Structure and breakdown in sections

The most important part of any word study assignment is the planning and writing stage. There is no point in starting a dissertation if you are not aware of how to organize your ideas.

When writing a dissertation, a key factor to keep in mind is that it should be able to tell a good story. It must be clear to the reader what you are trying to say and support your arguments.

Before getting into the 7000 Word Dissertation Structure, there are a number of key steps that you need to take to ensure the best possible chance of success. At the very least, the research you conduct should be well organized.

The title is the most important part of this section. You should always start with the title because this will provide clues about the direction of your research. Another thing to consider is the thesis statement.

This is the crux of the piece, and it is what gives you the ability to organize all of your ideas into an easy-to-read document.

You will find that most universities have specific guidelines that dictate the format that is acceptable for writing a dissertation. Once you have the necessary requirements, it is time to set about writing your outline.

A dissertation outline will allow you to transition from one section of the paper to the next. This will help keep you on track as you complete the various sections of your 7000 Word Dissertation.

Most universities will have specific outline formats and most writing software will have some sort of outline generator built in.

Here’s a suggested structure for a 7,000-word dissertation:

1. Title Page

  • Title of the Dissertation
  • Author’s Name
  • Institution
  • Department
  • Date of Submission

2. Abstract (200-300 words)

  • Brief summary of the research, including aims, methodology, results, and conclusions.

3. Table of Contents

  • List of all sections and sub-sections with page numbers.

4. Introduction (800-1,000 words)

  • Background: Context and relevance of the study.
  • Research Problem: Clear statement of the problem or research question.
  • Aims and Objectives: Specific goals of the research.
  • Hypothesis/Thesis Statement: Central argument or proposition.
  • Scope and Limitations: Define the boundaries of the research.

5. Literature Review (1,500-2,000 words)

  • Overview of Existing Research: Summary of key studies and theories relevant to the topic.
  • Critical Analysis: Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of existing research.
  • Theoretical Framework: Conceptual basis for the study.
  • Research Gap: Identify the gap your research aims to fill.

6. Methodology (1,000-1,200 words)

  • Research Design: Type of research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods).
  • Data Collection: Methods used to gather data (surveys, interviews, experiments).
  • Data Analysis: Techniques used to analyze the data.
  • Ethical Considerations: Ethical issues and how they were addressed.
  • Limitations: Potential limitations of the methodology.

7. Results (1,000-1,200 words)

  • Presentation of Data: Use tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate findings.
  • Key Findings: Summarize the most important results.
  • Analysis: Interpretation of the results in the context of the research question.

8. Discussion (1,000-1,200 words)

  • Interpretation: Discuss the implications of the findings.
  • Comparison with Literature: Compare results with existing studies.
  • Significance: Explain the importance of the findings.
  • Limitations and Future Research: Address any limitations and suggest areas for future research.

9. Conclusion (500-700 words)

  • Summary of Findings: Recap the main points.
  • Implications: Practical or theoretical implications of the study.
  • Recommendations: Suggestions for practitioners or further research.

10. References (Varies)

  • Citations: List all sources referenced in the dissertation using a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.).

11. Appendices (If necessary)

  • Supplementary Material: Include questionnaires, raw data, or additional information.

Word Count Breakdown

  • Abstract: 200-300 words
  • Introduction: 800-1,000 words
  • Literature Review: 1,500-2,000 words
  • Methodology: 1,000-1,200 words
  • Results: 1,000-1,200 words
  • Discussion: 1,000-1,200 words
  • Conclusion: 500-700 words
  • Total: Approximately 7,000 words

This structure provides a clear, logical flow for your dissertation and ensures all essential components are covered. Adjust the word counts slightly as needed to fit your specific topic and research.

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Set Outline

As you are writing your outline, try to gather together all of your ideas into one sentence. What is important to remember is that you should try to encapsulate all of your research and write it down in just a single paragraph.

You should then break your ideas up into smaller paragraphs, which will allow you to discuss each idea in sufficient detail. Most writing programs have built-in grammar checkers, so you won’t have to worry about writing flawless prose.

Main Body

At this point, you are ready to start writing the main body of your research paper. You can use a paper notebook or a text editor to type up the bulk of your research. Most writing software will allow you to enter a maximum limit of pages that you want to include in your research.

You should write down your main points and then use a paper notebook to tabulate your research. At this point, you should transfer your tabulated research over to your thesis committee. Your thesis is what proves your research and is the most important part of your paper.

If you do not understand why this is so important, don’t worry. Most writing programs have some kind of guide that will walk you through the steps of writing up your research.

Organize your Paper

At this point, you should sit down and organize your paper. You should divide the various paragraphs and ideas into separate sections. When writing up your research, you may find it helpful to group your ideas into distinct sections.

For example, if you are writing up a paper on insect species, you could break your ideas into an Introduction, Topics related to each of the insect species, Specific uses of each of the insect species, and finally an Exposition.


When writing up your 7000-word dissertation structure, remember to write clearly and slowly. Follow the complete instructions for the 7000 Word Dissertation Structure. Do not ramble aimlessly.

Write perfunctorily and use language that is clear and easy to understand. You can also hire a writer if you do not know how to write your own paper. A writer can take a lot of the stress off your shoulder while allowing you to focus on your topic.

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