Philosophy Dissertation Topics and Ideas

Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Best  Philosophy Dissertation Topics Which Will Give Your Subject a New Dimension To Explore!

There are distinctive ethical theories for supporting or disproving any occasion or any social issue. As philosophy dissertation topics, there are myriads of moral arguments that can be explained, discussed, evaluated, and explored exhaustively to comprehend the whole stance of morals with regard to figuring out what is correct and what’s going on.

It is right now the significance of the pragmatic hypothesis of morals deserves special notice. The utilitarian theory or the most celebrated hypothesis can be applied to pretty much every such occasion that should be evaluated as far as a result – either positive or negative.

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What is a Philosophy?

Philosophy covers the study of many fundamental and general problems which are concerned with the existence and wisdom of mankind. It is distinguished from other studies in the criteria that it generates arguments on rational grounds.

Philosophy Dissertation

Philosophy studies are in close proximity to the other fields of humanities which gives students a wide choice – as some fields intersect with it – in selecting the philosophy dissertation topic. However, it is important to understand that a philosophy dissertation is not like an essay in which one just analyzes and gives one’s opinion.

Unlike essays, it is a deep topic in terms of understanding. Hence, a lot of hard work is required in the process of writing a philosophy dissertation. If philosophy is considered a wide subject and its works are elaborated in a true sense then philosophy dissertation titles would cover many pages, for the range of topics become quite broad.

Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Nonetheless, the following topics are as per the understanding and capability of students. Hence they can pick one of them for a philosophy dissertation.

Good Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • The concept of justice in ancient Greek philosophy
  • The influence of Kant’s moral theory on modern ethical thought
  • The concept of the self in Eastern and Western philosophy
  • The role of reason in the philosophy of Descartes
  • The concept of freedom in the philosophy of John Locke
  • The influence of Nietzsche’s philosophy on contemporary cultural thought
  • The concept of the good life in the philosophy of Aristotle
  • The influence of feminist philosophy on social and political theory
  • The concept of mind-body dualism in the philosophy of René Descartes
  • The role of language in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • The concept of freedom in the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
  • The influence of Marxist philosophy on political theory
  • The concept of the divine in medieval philosophy
  • The role of consciousness in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant
  • The concept of the unconscious in the philosophy of Sigmund Freud
  • Discussing the theories on rationality with special reference to Plato and John Searle
  • Discussing the views of Foucault and Mills regarding power
  • Analyzing the work of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
  • A critical analysis of Rousseau’s social contract theory
  • Discussing Neo-Platonism, Stoicism, and Epicureanism
  • Comparing the Romantic, Post-Romantic, and Enlightenment periods
  • A critical analysis of the philosophies of Kant and Mill
  • Discussing and analyzing Pythagorean theory
  • A definition of divorce in different societies
  • Discussing Absurdity in the views of Albert Camus
  • Discussing the human nature theories
  • Writing a critical analysis of Plato’s ‘Republic’
  • Discussing the role of truth in freedom
  • The ideas of Socrates in the modern world
  • An experiment of philosophy

Trending Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • While referring to Bertrand Russell’s theory of Atomism discussing the problem of language
  • Discussing responsibility in the light of freedom and determinism
  • Discussing the role of religion in morality
  • Analysis of the works of Plato, Mill, and Nietzsche from the perspective of moral character
  • Addressing reason, nature, and God in the views of Nietzsche and Spinoza
  • Analyzing the natural philosophy in the light of Greek beliefs
  • Moral virtues and moral defects – a critical analysis
  • Analyzing the history of philosophy
  • Discussing human rights in the current century
  • Describing major moral theories
  • The influence of existentialist philosophy on literature and art
  • The concept of the sublime in the philosophy of Edmund Burke
  • The role of skepticism in the philosophy of David Hume
  • The concept of the social contract in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes
  • The influence of Stoic philosophy on modern thought
  • The concept of the soul in ancient Greek philosophy
  • The role of empiricism in the philosophy of John Locke
  • The concept of determinism in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza
  • The influence of postmodern philosophy on cultural theory
  • The concept of the self in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger

I hope these ideas are helpful! Philosophy is a broad and fascinating field, and there are many other topics that could be explored in a dissertation. If you have a particular area of interest, you may want to consider focusing your topic in that direction. Good luck with your dissertation!

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