Literature Review on Breast Cancer

Literature Review on Breast Cancer

Effective Tips and Topic Ideas for Literature Review on Breast Cancer

Are you a first-year medical student who has to hand in a thesis or dissertation to graduate?

Then don’t wait till the third year to start the work. Start searching for the right topic today. Breast cancer is one of the most concerning diseases in the world.

Although there are awareness campaigns and sessions organized all over the world, this subject still needs further research and study to minimize, if not eliminate, the number of affecters.

This makes it the perfect theme for your medical thesis.

Below mentioned are some ideas for topics in the field of breast cancer

But before we move on to that, let’s have a look at what cancer actually is.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal uncontrolled cell growth in the body. There are two properties that make cancer cells malignant. They have uncontrolled growth and they are metastasis (which means that they spread from one part of the body to another).

For A Literature Review on Breast Cancer

Students can cover this topic from several points of view. You can cover the disease from the doctor’s point of view or students’. You can conduct study on the prevention, incidence, or cure of the research. Another interesting aspect is the psychological mind frame of the patients. You can also conduct your study on the many problems that the patients have to go through like strained family relations, social acceptance, and economic problems.

Some Ideas for Topics:

  1. Involvement of different receptors in breast cancer metastasis
  2. Human breast cancer: correlation of relapse and survival
  3. Identification of the breast cancer susceptibility gene
  4. Relationship of human breast cancer and ovarian cancer
  5. Lymphatic mapping for breast cancer
  6. Prospective identification of tumor-causing breast cancer cells
  7. Reproductive factors and breast cancer
  8. Effect of psychosocial treatment on survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer
  9. Relationship between breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy
  10. How coping mediates the effect of optimism on distress: a study of women with early-stage breast cancer
  11. Breast cancer knowledge &self-care practices of women
  12. Follow-up care after a diagnosis of breast cancer – patient’s perspectives

Basically, for writing a breast cancer literature review you need to include related terminology in your literature review to make it narrower. While searching for the right topic on this theme, you need to make sure that your research topic is supported with relevant articles that will help in the study.

Before taking the topic to your supervisor, make sure that it is supported by articles that have been published in authentic journals. You also need to make sure that your research topic will not become obsolete in the near future and that the scope of the research is just right. It should be wide enough to be significant but should be narrow enough to be covered within the designated time frame.

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