Proposal Methodology.

Proposal Methodology – What Is It and What Are Its Important Components?

Is your research proposal due in a week and you haven’t even started it yet?

If you think that you can chill out until a day before its due then pull off an all-nighter and get your proposal accepted then you are wrong.

For a university research student, it is important to submit a document with proper

methodology in research proposal

to show your intent towards conducting the research on the opted theme. Since it will be presented publically, it is important that you are able to justify and defend your topic confidently.

How will you be able to justify your research theme assertively?
Through your proposal methodology!

The methodology will give the reviewers a clear view of the procedure and techniques you wish to utilize for your investigative process.

In order to compose a successful methodology, there are 3 basic parts that should be included in it. They are as follows:

  • An overview of the problem that will be undertaken for research
  • The methods that will be opted for the investigative process
  • And the results that you are projecting
Let’s have a brief overview of the composition of these three basic parts:
  • Overview Of The Problem:
    This is the first part to be included in your research methodology proposal which will give an overview of the problem. Here you will explain why this issue should be investigated and what the past researchers have achieved. It is important to keep a simple and concise flow of words along with keeping the section objective and brief. Do not use jargon or technical language or you might risk confusing your research reviewer.
  • Methods Chosen For Investigative Process:
    If you want to convince the panel of your choice of the issue you will need to provide a practical applicability overview of processes and techniques through which you will be catering to the issue. In a way, this is the real road map for your research which will provide a guide to your entire dissertation. Here, you will give a step by step process that you will undertake for your study in order to research the outcome. This will contain all steps from the chosen sample size to the data collection technique to the statistical tool that will be used for the analysis.
  • Insight To The Projected Outcome:
    This is the last component of the research where you will attempt to show what you want to achieve through your study. Since this will be assumed, you will need to take help from previous similar studies for the outcome that you are projecting.

Hence, it will not be an exaggeration to say that the approval of your dissertation or thesis proposal depends on the composition of your methodology of the research proposal. It is the basic structure through which you will be able to satisfy your reviewers on their queries regarding the core investigative process of your study.