39 Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics ideas & examples

Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics

Being a relatively new field, behavioral finance combines the principles of psychology with the different domains of finance in a way that can be greatly helpful for people. Behavioral finance research topics include decision-making as the major realm among many other aspects as well. Behavioral finance dissertation topics can also be applied in the field of organizational psychology with the same ease as with finance departments. Check out the related posts for finance dissertation topics and Accounting & finance dissertation topics.

Best Behavioral Finance Dissertation Topics for college students

Below is an extensive list of dissertation topics on behavioral finance:

  • Studying the effects of behavioral finance on the stock-price volatility: a descriptive study.
  • Historical analysis of behavioral finance: connecting past with the present and the future.
  • The role played by financial advertising in the development of behavioral finance: a systematic approach.
  • Investigating the contributions of behavioral finance to the institutionalist finance theories.
  • Correlational analysis of the relationships among behavioral finance, stock market behavior, and data fusion algorithm.
  • Applying the multi-group nonlinear structural equation models to the domain of behavioral finance.
  • Debating on the behavioral finance versus the market efficiency domains.
  • Experimental economics and behavioral finance: focus on the developmental trends.
  • Behavioral finance in the developing versus the developed countries of the world.
  • behavioral finance, efficient markets, and complexity in simple versus complex markets of the world.
  • Cognitive dissonance and behavioral finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Experimental macroeconomics and behavioral finance: challenges and interventions involved.
  • How behavioral finance can be used in the implications of the Black-Litterman model? A descriptive analysis.
  • Behavioral corporate finance: a review of the literature.
  • Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the domains of market efficiency and behavioral finance: a descriptive study.
  • Investigating the association between financial advisor loyalty and investor attachment style: a quantitative study.
  • Comparative analysis of behavioral finance with the standard finance in X country.
  • The psychology of risk and behavioral finance: a descriptive analysis.
  • The role played by decision-making in the field of behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • Correlation among behavioral finance, market efficiency, and long-term returns.
  • Studying the relationship between behavioral finance and the psychology of investing.
  • Asset prices and behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • Financial risk tolerance, projection bias, and behavioral finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Studying the trading behavior and attitudes of stock market investors: a descriptive analysis.
  • Role of behavioral finance in reconciling efficient markets: a comparative study.
  • Impacts of psychological capital on asset management: a review of the literature.
  • Relation of investor perceptions with actual trading and risk-taking behavior.
  • Investor governance and behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • Understanding the psychology of financial decision-making: a descriptive study.
  • Wealth management and behavioral finance: a descriptive approach.
  • Correlation of neuro-finance, behavioral finance, traditional finance, and bounded rationality.
  • Subjective probability and behavioral finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Investment strategies and behavioral finance: a review of the literature.
  • behavioral finance meets with fraud in the market: a quantitative study.
  • Place of risk in behavioral finance versus traditional finance: a descriptive analysis.

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