39 International Finance Dissertation Topics Examples

International Finance Dissertation Topics

International finance is a sub-domain of international economics that has been developed to encompass an overall global economic sector. International finance thesis topics, therefore, include economics as a basic regime. International finance dissertation topics focus on financial aspects working among different nations and countries, basically the monetary exchanges and their impacts on the economies of the involved countries. Depending on the degree level and academic program, the research areas may differ in the domain of international finance. Check out our other related posts for research proposal topics in finance, financial management dissertation topics, and management accounting dissertation topics.

Best International Finance Dissertation Topics Ideas for college students

Given below is an extensive list of research topics in international finance:

  • Asian regionalism and international finance: a review of the literature.
  • Role of international finance in global imbalances and financial crisis: a descriptive study.
  • Management and transformation of policy stigmas in the domain of international finance: a systematic analysis.
  • Investigation of the US structural power in the field of international finance: a quantitative study.
  • Historical analysis of international finance: connecting past with the present and the future.
  • Risk management and control in the domain of international finance: focus on recent innovations.
  • International finance in the developing countries of the world: a descriptive analysis.
  • Studying the factors that affect the international finance corporation: a systematic study.
  • Income convergence and international finance in European countries.
  • Studying the institutional trajectory of international tax governance: a review of the literature.
  • International financial management: the importance of project-based learning.
  • Investigation of the financialization and emerging markets government borrowing capacity on an international level.
  • State capitalism and international finance: a review of the literature.
  • Emerging capital markets and international financial institutions in X country: a quantitative study.
  • Debt, international finance, and stochastic optimal control: a correlational analysis.
  • Central bank independence and international finance: a review of the literature.
  • Implications of international financial institutions on corporate social responsibility in the developing countries of the world.
  • The role played by policies and international financial institutions in emerging markets.
  • International finance post-COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and interventions involved.
  • International financial markets and moral hazards: a review of the literature.
  • Place occupied by Russia in the international economic institutions: a systematic analysis.
  • International financial architecture: uncovering the challenges and the solutions involved.
  • Tax efficiency and structural transformation: a review of the literature.
  • Cash holdings, investor protection, and managerial entrenchment: a correlational analysis.
  • Foreign reserves accumulation and domestic financial instability in X country.
  • Economic crises, income distribution, and international financial institutions: a correlation analysis.
  • Information asymmetry in international finance: a descriptive approach.
  • Global equity investing and international finance.
  • International risk-sharing and international finance: a systematic analysis.
  • World trading system and international finance: focus on the challenges and interventions.
  • Economists forecasting recessions on international levels: a descriptive approach.
  • Banking crises and public debt: focus on an international scenario.
  • Financial stability and macroeconomic stability: a review of the literature.
  • Studying the effects of globalization on the international risk sharing domain.
  • Sources of international financial supervision: a review of the literature.

Above is the list of best international finance dissertation topics. If you are still searching for some other topics fill out the form below and get the topic mini proposal on international finance from our experts. Click here to place an order on international finance at 25% discounted rates.

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