39 Islamic Finance Dissertation Topics Ideas

Islamic Finance Dissertation Topics: Throughout the world, Islamic finance and its related aspects are gaining a lot of interest with every passing day. Therefore, Islamic finance dissertation topics can be seen as applicable to different countries’ financial institutions.

These are the best Islamic finance dissertation topics picked by our experts. Also, check related posts for finance dissertation topics and accounting and finance dissertation topics.

Best Islamic finance dissertation topics for college students

Islamic Finance refers to the provision of financial services in accordance with Shari’ah Islamic law, principles, and rules. Shari’ah does not permit receipt and payment of “riba” (interest), “gharar” (excessive uncertainty), “maysir” (gambling), short sales, or financing activities that it considers harmful to society.

Given below is an extensive list of dissertation topics in Islamic finance:

  • Islamic finance and banking: a review of the literature.
  • Studying the relationship between Islamic finance and industrial policy in X country.
  • Global financial order and Islamic finance: challenges and opportunities involved.
  • Studying the sharia compliance in case of Islamic finance contracts: a review of the literature.
  • Studying the determinants of Islamic finance in China’s belt and road initiative.
  • Correlational analysis of the relationship among Islamic finance, financial inclusion policy, and financial inclusion in X country.
  • The role played by global Islamic finance in the Gulf region: a systematic analysis.
  • Relationship of Islamic finance with economics and law: a descriptive analysis.
  • How the global markets utilize Islamic finance in their financial knowledge: a review of the literature.
  • Global Islamic finance: studying the dynamic challenges on a global level.
  • The Islamic banking industry and the resolutions of online disputes: a systematic analysis.
  • Investigating an Islamic financing perspective on the macro-prudential policies: a review of the literature.
  • Relationship between the Islamic bank rates and conventional bank interest rates: a systematic analysis.
  • Islamic financial industry: introspective reflections.
  • Islamic finance in a non-Muslim country: a descriptive analysis.
  • Comparative analysis of Islamic finance and banking in developing versus developed countries of the world.
  • Association between Islamic bank disclosures and Islamic corporate social responsibility.
  • Islamic banking and finance in a capitalist economy: a systematic analysis.
  • How the global Sukuk industry is affected by blockchain technology? Focus on challenges and interventions.
  • Correlation of Sukuk spreads, economic uncertainties, and macroeconomic announcements.
  • Studying Malaysia as an Islamic financial frontier: a descriptive analysis.
  • Comparative analysis of Al Rayyan Islamic Index and Qatar exchange index.
  • Islamic bonds (Sukuk): a theoretical review of the literature.
  • Development and governance of Islamic finance and banking in X country: a quantitative study.
  • Investigating the financial performance of Islamic mutual funds in different countries.
  • Islamic equities: challenges and interventions involved.
  • The role played by the global Sharia elite in the management of the Islamic finance and banking sector.
  • Asset pricing and Islamic economy: a review of the literature.
  • An Islamic mortgage contract and role played by consumer choice: a correlational study.
  • Relationship of corporate finance, Islamic law, and investors’ rights: a descriptive study.
  • Effects of the size of Islamic banking on the growth of the industry: a qualitative study.
  • Sustainability in Islamic finance and banking: challenges and interventions involved.
  • Financing modes, efficiency, risks and profitability in Islamic finance and banking: a review of the literature.
  • Digital Sukuk and COVID-19 pandemic: focus on the aspect of investment decisions.
  • Comparative analysis of Islamic and conventional banking on the aspects of efficiency, business orientation, and credit quality in businesses.

Above is the best list of Islamic finance research topics. If you are still looking for some unique dissertation topics fill out the form below to get dissertation topics mini proposal service on your requirements. Click here to place an order on Islamic finance at 25 % discounted rates.

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