39 Economic geography dissertation topics examples

best Economic geography  dissertation topics ideas

Economic geography is a subfield of human geography that studies economic activity and the factors that affect it. It can also be considered as a sub-sector or an economic approach. There are four branches of economic geography. There are the primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector, and quaternary sector.

Dissertation topics in economic geography focus on economic activities that include geographical boundaries such as trading routes, strategic industrial positions, geographic locations, tourism routes as economies, and many others.

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Top selected dissertation topics for economic geography

Research topics in economic geography have been enlisted below:

  • Studying the relationship between economic geography and industrial dynamics: a descriptive analysis.
  • What is the place of the firm in economic geography? An inquiry.
  • Investigating the relationship between economic geography and financial crisis: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Studying the relationship between economic geography and international inequality: an inquiry.
  • History of economic geography: connecting the past with the present and the future.
  • Relational economic geography: a review of the empirical evidence.
  • Understanding the relationship between regional economics and economic geography: a descriptive approach.
  • Regional production structure and economic geography: a correlational analysis.
  • Studying the role played by the evolution of networks in the field of economic geography: a quantitative study.
  • How do the economies of tourism destinations work with the field of economic geography? An inquiry.
  • Studying the relationship between the global economy and the new economic geography: a descriptive analysis.
  • Evolutionary economic geography: focus on the historical challenges being faced.
  • Focusing on the relationship between economic geography and the choice of technology: a systematic review.
  • Understanding the role played by complex landscapes in the field of economic geography.
  • Research methodologies in the field of economic geography: focus on the potential challenges and interventions.
  • Comparative analysis of USA economic geography and UK economic geography.
  • Globalization, economic geography and productivity paradox in X country: a case study approach.
  • Focusing on the relationship between economic geography and evolutionary economics.
  • Correlational analysis of economic geography, trade, and industry location: a quantitative study.
  • How do the strategies of the multinationals act within the domain of economic geography? focus on X country.
  • Examining the role played by innovation in the field of economic geography: a review of the empirical evidence.
  • Correlational analysis of economic geography, innovation, and tacit knowledge.
  • Focusing on the relationship between economic geography and international fragmentation: a descriptive approach.
  • The tourist industry and the economic geography.
  • Environmental economic geography: connecting regulations and ecological modernizations.
  • Comparative analysis of economic geography in the East and the West.
  • Impacts of the region, society, and technology on the field of economic geography.
  • Studying the fiscal effects of regional integration: an economic geography perspective.
  • Policy relevance and the new economic geography: a descriptive approach.
  • Economic geography, new economic geography, and policy in China: what makes China different?
  • Correlational analysis of economic geography, e-commerce, and transportation.
  • Comparative analysis of the different models operational in the field of economic geography.
  • What is the place of forecasting and prediction in the field of economic geography? An inquiry.
  • Focusing on the relationship between economic geography and climate change: a systematic analysis.
  • Changing global economic geography: a review of the empirical evidence.

Economic geography has a high pedigree. Its traditional focus is the distribution of various production activities – with subdivisions such as agricultural geography, industrial geography, and service geography – and business designs, such as geography, in transport.

Above is the best list of dissertation topics in economic geography. If you are still looking for unique economic geography dissertation topics fill out the form below and get a dissertation topic mini proposal on your specific requirements.

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