39 Behavioral Economics Dissertation Topics Examples

Behavioral economics dissertation topics focus on the individuals that work within the economies of the world. It is impossible to go on without the involvement of individuals. Therefore, behavioral economics thesis topics have strong connections with the field of psychology as well.

The field of behavioral economics studies and describes economic decision-making. According to its theories, actual human behavior is less rational, stable, and selfish than traditional normative theory suggests.

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Best Behavioral economics dissertation topics for college students

Behavioral economics subjects is a typical area of study here is the list of topics in Behavioral economics dissertation topics have been enlisted below:

  • Studying the relationship between psychology and economics in the form of behavioral economics.
  • The role played by behavioral economics in understanding the domain of inflation targeting: a systematic analysis.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, feminist economics, and gender economics: a descriptive analysis.
  • Behavioral economics: an interdisciplinary approach in essence?
  • Historical analysis of behavioral economics: connecting the past with the present and the future.
  • Comparative analysis of rational and irrational approaches towards behavioral economics of death.
  • Regulatory policy and behavioral economics: understanding the changing relationship.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, sports, and positive youth development: focus on X country.
  • Behavioral economics and poverty: a descriptive analysis.
  • Behavioral economics and education focus on potential opportunities and challenges.
  • Development of money management strategies for substance abusers: a behavioral economics perspective.
  • Analyzing behavioral economics data: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Is childhood vaccination really required? A behavioral economics perspective.
  • Increasing savings of the employees: focus on using a behavioral economics perspective in the organizations.
  • Structural behavioral economics: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Studying the relationship between finance and behavioral economics: focus on subjective probability.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, public policy, rational inefficiencies, and power: focus on X country.
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  • Studying the relationship between behavioral economics and the insurance industry: focus on potential challenges and opportunities.
  • Behavioral economics and the law: focus on X country.
  • Studying the relationship between tax policy and behavioral economics of X country: a descriptive approach.
  • Effects of behavioral economics on improving the performance of community childcare centers in X country.
  • Effects of behavioral economics on the end-of-life care domain: focus on the promotion of advanced directives.
  • Ethics in behavioral economics: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Investigating the relationship between behavioral economics and the psychology of incentives: a quantitative study.
  • The role played by decision-making in the field of behavioral economics: a systematic analysis.
  • How are the fields of health economics and behavioral economics connected? An inquiry.
  • Data-driven marketing and behavioral economics: a descriptive study.
  • Studying the relationship between economic incentive and provider behavior: a quantitative analysis.
  • Environmental policy and behavioral economics: focus on x country.
  • Applying the principles of behavioral economics to the understanding of privacy: a review of empirical evidence.
  • Investigating the effects of behavioral economics on consumer contracts.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, environmental protection, and climate change policy: a qualitative study.
  • Correlational analysis of behavioral economics, psychology of firm behavior, and psychology of consumer behavior.
  • Studying the relationship between retirement savings crisis and behavioral economics: a quantitative analysis.
  • Behavioral economics and macroeconomic models: a correlational analysis.

These are the best Behavioral economics dissertation topics if you are still looking for some different Behavioral economics dissertation topics fill out the form below and get our topics mini proposal service for Behavioral economics dissertation topics according to your requirements.

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