Research Proposal Topics in Finance

Finance Research Proposal Topics That Will Earn You Grades like Never Before!

Finance seems to be the most interesting field but when it is about finance and its related fields of research regarding finance research proposal topics, students are a bundle of nerves since they don’t know what their supervisors are expecting out of them.

I was once a supervisor, so I knew a bit about their nature and their feelings when things are circled about the word finance. Therefore, I feel an urgent urge in this respect to compiling a list of related finance research proposal topics that would be most helpful for research proposals on this relative field of finance, for those nervous students as I was once a student too and went through the same situation.

Here are some of the finance research proposal topics examples for undergraduates these topics are created by our expert finance writers.

Suggestions for research proposal topics in finance:

  • Relationship between corporate image and mobile phone advertising in the field of finance.
  • Impact of Oil Price on the real GDP of Pakistan and its other financial sectors.
  • Macroeconomic variables and their effect on the financial market in relation to the GDP on consumer market plans.
  • Impact of Cash Flow and Profitability on Dividend payout on yearly fixed deposits and assets in relation to consumer consumption level of commodities.
  • A study on the impact of in-mall events and activities, which are enhancing the overall shopping experience of the customer’s purchasing power.
  • To study the level of satisfaction amongst the lower management staff for health benefits and other related benefits that the staff is entitled to as per the company’s standard policies registered by the local government.
  • A study of short message service (SMS) acceptance, to participate in television programs is being evaluated.
  • Effects of Underwriter’s reputation over initial public offerings, based on their credibility and affordability as per the demand by the international market marketing strategy plan.
  • Impact of Cash Flow and Profitability on Dividend payout on fixed and saving deposits of consumers.
  • Relationship between Debt Maturity and Tax Rate(s).
  • Prediction of corporate bankruptcy through financial ratios compared with other commercial banks.
  • Financing requirements in agricultural commodity businesses and its challenges.
  • Liquidity and Stock Return.
  • Ownership Structure and Firm Value.
  • Impact of Bank Mergers and Acquisitions on Bank Performance calculated in the year.
  • The relationship between firm investment and financial status.
  • Determinants of Mutual Fund growth in Pakistan.
  • Impact of portfolio diversification on Banks’ Return.
  • Impact of energy crises on economic growth and GDP fluctuation.
  • Relationship between Government Expenditure and Government Revenues.
  • The impact of interest rate changes on the stock market
  • The relationship between corporate governance and firm performance
  • The effects of currency devaluation on international trade
  • The role of financial technology (fintech) in improving access to financial services
  • An analysis of the performance of socially responsible investments
  • The impact of government regulation on the financial industry
  • A comparison of the risk-return tradeoff of different asset classes
  • The effects of macroeconomic factors on the real estate market
  • An examination of the impact of market psychology on investment decision-making
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in attracting and retaining investors.

These are just a few examples, and you can adapt or modify them to suit your specific interests or needs. You could also consider proposing a research project that addresses a current issue or problem in finance, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial markets or the use of financial instruments to address climate change.

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Below are the more important posts relating to finance topics that will help you out to complete your dissertation in finance.

  1. Best selected Finance Dissertation Topics
  2. List of Microfinance dissertation Topics

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